Poems by Gwynne Garfinkle:
FUMPTRUCK: Open Letters, Essays, Fiction, Poetry, Artwork & Other Creations for & Inspired by the 47th President of the Divided States of America ("midas")
Dreams and Nightmares #126 (January 2024) ("Universals")
Worlds of Possibility anthology ("the jacarandas consider blooming")
The Deadlands: Year One ("the ending")
Not One of Us #75 ("dear Aunt Clara")
Strange Horizons (10 April 2023) ("dear Tom Cassidy's daughter")
Penumbric (April 2023, Vol. 6 Issue 6) ("ode to The Swarm)
Kaleidotrope (Spring 2023) ("when Ruth invented the Empathy Pill")
Other Covenants: Alternate Histories of the Jewish People ("The Golem" (1933))
Musings of the Muses ("a homecoming, a leave-taking")
Mermaids Monthly (November 2021) ("The Pied Piper vs. the Sirens," originally published in "Mythic Delirium")
The Deadlands Issue #3, July 2021 ("the ending")
Climbing Lightly Through Forests: A Poetry Anthology Honoring Ursula K. Le Guin, edited by R.B. Lemberg and Lisa M. Bradley ("ode to illness")
Not One of Us #65 ("they keep resurrecting Larry Talbot")
Dreams & Nightmares (115) (May 2020) ("Dr. Klein")
The Cascadia Subduction Zone (Vol. 9 No. 3, 2019) ("what's the matter with")
Dreams and Nightmares (112) ("pomegranate ink")
Through the Gate (May 1 2019) ("for I will consider my monster")
The Cascadia Subduction Zone (Vol. 9 No. 1, 2019) ("Miss Ambivalence" and "you've entered the twilight zone")
Not One of Us #60 ("midas")
Strange Horizons (6 August 2018) ("scenes from a marriage") (Audio version read by Ciro Faienza here.)
The Cascadia Subduction Zone (Vol. 8 No. 3, 2018) ("jungle red")
Uncanny Magazine (Issue 18, September-October 2017) ("The Golem of the Gravestones")
Strange Horizons (14 Aug 2017) ("ode to Dwight Frye") (Audio version here.)
The Cascadia Subduction Zone (Vol. 7 No. 2, 2017) ("50 Foot")
Mithila Review (issue 8) ("family (a form somehow must)")
Kaleidotrope (Winter 2017) ("The Last Word")
Postscripts to Darkness (November 6 2016) ("People Change: A Love Story" and "Linda Blair Pantoum"); plus an interview.
The Cascadia Subduction Zone (Vol. 6, No. 4, October 2016) ("Una O'Connor unleashes her scream")
Mythic Delirium (3.2, Oct.-Dec. 2016) ("Champagne Ivy")
Through the Gate (June 28 2016) ("song for Mary Henry")
The Cascadia Subduction Zone (Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2016) ("Poetess Strikes Again")
Angels of the Meanwhile ("Allison Gross Speaks of the Worm")
inkscrawl (issue 9) ("Dorothy's Prayer")
Strange Horizons (13 April 2015) ("Misogyny"). (Audio version here.)
Interfictions (Issue 4, November 2014) ("Witches of Childhood")
Mythic Delirium (1.1, July-Sept. 2014) ("It's a Universal Picture")
Apex Magazine (Issue 60, May 2014) ("she's alive, alive")
The Cascadia Subduction Zone (Vol. 3 No. 4, October 2013) ("a tipping point")
Flying Higher: An Anthology of Superhero Poetry ("take off your horn-rims and fly")
Interfictions (Issue 1, May 2013) ("Ginnie and the Cooking Contest")
Strange Horizons (26 March 2012) ("bell, book, candle")
Strange Horizons (14 November 2011) ("Ralph Touchett Awaits Revision")
The Wiscon Chronicles, volume 4 ("Famous Monsters of Filmland")
The SFPA's 2009 Halloween Poetry Reading (audio reading of "Ariadne's Thank You Note")
Space and Time Magazine (Issue #107, Summer 2009)
("Ariadne's Thank You Note")
My Poem Rocks (January 19, 2009)
("The Thrill of It All")
The SFPA's 2008 Halloween Poetry Reading (audio reading of "Famous Monsters of Filmland")
Plath Profiles (volume one)
("To the Critics")
Goblin Fruit (Summer 2008)
("Scarlet Ode")
Can We Have Our Ball Back (Feb 7, 2003)
("On-the-Road Adam Acrostic #2")
Big Bridge 3#2
("falls away")
Big Bridge 3#1
Big Bridge 2#3